David Howard is the FAA Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR) and Manager of David Howard's DAR & Quality Aerospace Consulting Services, LLC.


Primarily located in Winston Salem, North Carolina David Howard's DAR & Quality Aerospace Consulting Services, LLC. provides FAA-authorized airworthiness services nationwide and overseas. Since 2009, Mr. Howard has been authorized to provide Designated Inspection Manufacturing Representative (DMIR) Services for Aircraft Interiors, Mr. Howard was selected as a Manufacturing DARF1 in 2015 and is authorized to perform the services as described on the services
page of this Web site.


Mr. Howard has 30 over years of experience in Aerospace and 14 years of hands-on experience with Aircraft Interiors Inspections and Certifications.


Mr. Howard of David Howard's DAR & Quality Aerospace Consulting Services, LLC. is experienced in Aircraft Interiors, specifically aircraft seating systems. Howard was a Boeing ODA2 Unit Member and receptive to membership in other ODA's.


1Designated Airworthiness Representative (DARF) for Manufacturing: A DARF is an individual appointed [by the FAA] in accordance with 14 CFR Part 183.33 who may perform examination, inspection, and testing services necessary to the issuance of certificates from a manufacturing perspective.

2Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) - Unit Member is appointed by the ODA Administrator in
accordance with 14 CFR Part 183 sub part D, Order 8100.15 and the ODA's Manual who may perform airworthiness, conformity and production inspections.